Road patterns

Card art by Elaine M. Vardjan

Road patterns

Our two recent weekend trips to perform in Baltimore, Maryland, and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, felt in some ways like the month-long road trip we took with our family a couple of years ago. 

As we drove across the country and back, our family got into a groove, absorbing the unfolding scenery from the mundane to the spectacular, trouble-shooting obstacles as they popped up, exploring unfamiliar trails, setting up camp or eagerly settling into a hotel room. It was a treat to leave everyday responsibilities behind and simply exist in the moment.

Touring these past weekends added the exciting layer of performance. Each day was its own pattern of setting up for a show, warming our chops, then offering our best to our audience in return for the precious gift of their time and attention. Afterward we talked with those people, learned who they are, found out what moved them as they listened. 

After one concert a friend wrote, “Thank you for your music tonight. It brought so much beauty, connection and soul to the evening. I felt a depth. It was healing. Thank you.”

We’re looking forward to next time.